Oracle Integration Gen3 — Configure Microsoft Office 365 Outlook Adapter
In this blog post I will walk you through the below activities
- Creating a Microsoft Office Outlook 365 account with custom domain
- Register the Application in Azure to create the Client_Id and Client_Secret
- Configure the Microsoft Office 365 Outlook Adapter connection in Oracle Integration
Step 1 — Creating a Microsoft Office Outlook 365 account with custom domain
For this demo purpose I am using Microsoft 365 Business Standard — 1 month Free Trial Account
Open the link — and click on “Try free for one month”
You will be navigated to this page where you can provide the Subscription, sign-in and payment details. I chose 2 users for “How many people is this for?” and click Next.
Provide the Email address to which you wish to receive the communications about your subscription, billing and account details.
Once you provide the email address, it will check if you need to create a new account, click on Set up account
Fill in the details for your account and click Next
Complete the Security check
Once completed, provide the Sign-in details, make note of the Username, Domain name and Password, based on the given information your account will be of this format
Once Payment information is provided account creation is completed, you will received a confirmation email to the email address provided above and you should be able to login to your account using the login details
Username = <given-username>@<given-domainname>
Password = <given-password>
Once logged in you should be able to see all the available Apps for configuration and consumption
Step 2 — Register the Application in Azure to create the Client_Id and Client_Secret
Open the link to access Microsoft Entra Admin Center
Once logged in expand Applications in the left hand menu and click on App registrations
Click New registration and fill in the details
Give your application a name, since I am going to use this in Oracle Integration Adapter connection,
Supported Account Type —> Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Microsoft Entra ID tenant — Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)
Redirect URI ->
In my case the URI will look like → https://<oic-instance-name>-<tenancy-namespace>-<region-code>.integration.<region-name>
Click the button “Register”
Once registered Client_Id gets created, click on “Certificates & secrets” to create the Client_Secret
Click on New Client Secret
Give a description and click Add button at the bottom
Copy and make note of the value of the Client_Secret — VALUE as it will be displayed only once. We have to use the value of Client_Secret and not Client_Secret Id when configuring the Adapter in Oracle Integration
Click on the API Permissions in the left hand menu
Click on “Microsoft Graph” to add necessary permissions, as I am configuring Outlook Adapter I am choosing all the operations for Mail.
Make sure that offline_access scope is added, once all the permissions are checked, click on “Update Permissions” button at the bottom
Make sure the Admin consent for Self is provided so that if any user has MFA enabled, the registered app will still be able to connect.
Step 3 — Configure the Microsoft Office 365 Outlook Adapter connection in Oracle Integration
Login to your Oracle Integration Gen3 instance and Create a connection of type Microsoft Office 365 Outlook.
In the Security Configuration, enter the Client Id, Client Secret value along with the necessary scopes, “offline_access” is a required scope along with others. Next, click on “Provide Consent”
A consent pop up is displayed in a new window, check the check-box and click “Accept”
The “Authenticated” message is displayed
Switch to the Oracle Integration window and click “Test” to complete the connection configuration.
If you’ve found this useful, please share, If you have any questions you can reach out to me on LinkedIn